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    12h 11m 46s

Posts posted by Kingredarrow

  1. I would keep your account as it is just because of how unique it is or you could max as 10 hp then max your hp after so you were able to access other pieces of content you couldn't do before either way, very nice.

  2. I think that these point changes for CoX are balanced and are needed tbh as it's pretty demoralising to go 30,40+ dry on a item at CoX in solos when it's pretty much the same rate as Osrs in terms chance to get a purple and 10% Points extra for the highest rank possible doesn't seem high at all as it only gives a additional 0.714% chance at a purple chest which is negligible and it also adds to the existing Donator benefits furthermore this might entice more people to Donate and more people to start raiding.

    Twisted Horns in general doesn't have any downside to being added with option A as the Twisted slayer helm has the CoX colour scheme and looks great as well as the 10m making for a decent money sink.

    The Logo milestone suggestion i am Neutral on and i don't mind it.

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  3. I support the majority of these points truly as i believe that they're not as OP as people may think for example 8% increase in points for Zenyte ranked donator for a Solo raid would be like 3.5k points more which is like 0.5% more chance at a purple which isn't overpowered at all considering the frequency at which drops come into the game, secondly not many people actually raid anyways due to drops being pretty difficult to obtain and raids taking time and effort to do and lastly i think that the donator benefits currently are a tad underwhelming for how much for you donate for ofcourse i don't expect anything ridiculously overpowered but a small COX point boost would definitely help to improve the donator benefits and entice more people to actually donate if they don't have a donator rank and potentially entice more people to start raiding, I also believe the Donator benefit of Inferno commencing at waves 5/10/15/20 is nothing big as realistically you're not going to be dying at waves 20 or under but it adds to the donator benefits. The Twisted Horns idea i would like the first option as the Twisted horns have the CoX colour scheme and it would make the most sense for 100+ CoX KC and 10m cashand could potentially add a Slayer point requirement like the other slayer helm colours as it's a decent money sink and the Slayer helm has a really nice look. 

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