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Posts posted by SnowySkillin

  1. Hellow people maybe you have already seen me in game as snowyskillin or snowysoul or stuff like that.
    I have multiple accounts and im stuck at this point.
    Im in a dillema with myself i or make an hcim and get far with pvm and stuff or learn to NH ( nohonor wildy ) Pk.
    I know some people pk on here aswell but not alot or almost never online or just are raggers ( bring 10 people and range only or mage only )
    I wanne learn to solo / duo pk aswell and i know a bit already but i wanne become better and get like a tuthor that helps me and follows me and learns me or sees my mistakes and help me fix them.
    we can duo pk or i can solo and you can give me usefull tips whenever needed.
    for the person who wants to help me i hope we can become friends and try and destroy the wildy togheter or stuff haha.
    but not only that i will also giveaway a reward like a bond or gp ingame stuff like that to the person who helps me.

    i hope people on the forum are still alive and someone reads this and is eager to help a fella out.

    Please react to this if you wanne help or Message me ingame ( IGN = SnowySkillin ) but i may not be online so please here.

    cya in game guys gl!!!

    ( P.S doesnt matter if you are good only in main or pure or whatever if you think you can make me a boss its all good haha )


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