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Posts posted by Lucifer2207

  1. Hi everyone, 

    My name is Lucifer2207, I'm 30 years old and I'm from Australia. I originally started playing Zenyte back in early 2020, but had to stop playing due to personal reasons. I started back up again just over a week ago and am absolutely loving being back! The community is still just as helpful as ever, the staff are awesome and the events are so good!

    I hope I can be a valuable member of the community, if anyone ever needs anything, please let me know! I'm always happy to help out my fellow players.




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  2. Monk, 

    Thank you for your feedback regarding our staff team, namely me. I would like for you to take a closer look at what Cantbeluck has stated in his original comment. 


    The statement of "I'm drunk af free loot" indicated to me that he was luring others to the wilderness to kill him for free loot. I deemed this to be a lure and immediately warned him that it was not allowed. His response was to swear at me for warning him, which I followed up with a kick. Now I would have been happy to leave it at that, but mr Cantbeluck then proceeded to spam the cc and public chat about this and whilst I was trying to respond to him, he called me a "f*gg*t". This kind of hateful speech is not allowed now and will never be allowed or stood for.  It was for this reason that he received a 24 hour mute, in the hopes that it would calm him down and let him think about how he speaks to others. 

    There is no "trending flaw" within our staff, there is simply staff members who will not put up with hate-speech or those that choose to disrespect staff, or even members of the general public. 

    I would like you to please read Zenyte Server Rules #1, 6 & 8, and maybe even familiarize yourself with the rest of them while you're at it.

    1. Player Harassment and Inappropriate Language/Content

    We have zero tolerance for the act of harassment towards another player as well as the use of disrespectful language in regards to one's personal beliefs/religion, race, sexual preference, etc. 

    6. Rules within the Zenyte/Help CC

    No ranting about punishments or accusing others of rule breaking, we have forums to report players/appeal if needed.

     8. Player vs. Player Guidelines

    Luring is a big part of Runescape/RSPS in itself, and as most places, it is not punishable. You will however be punished if you lure over yell/help CC or attempt to lure a staff member by requesting help or asking for assistance in any manner. 


    Thank you again for your feedback.



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