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Iron Arm

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Posts posted by Iron Arm

  1. 1 hour ago, 1945 said:

    I forgot to mention something regarding within number 10 as well,  "Examine" texts too please !! I would very love it if we could add a few examine texts that're currently missing, mostly just the new add-ons that have been implemented like the new pets, It might seem dumb for some.. But I love the little details like that! 

    Thanks for re-reading my comment again! 

    I read all your comments bb and agree with all of them! ♥️ (+1 to missing examines)

    • Zenyte 1

  2. 1. How often would you like to see community polls done?


    I think that if the polls were more common than that we'd quickly run out of meaningful content to poll and we'd get very behind with updates which could cause rants to surge again.


    2. Should we have a weekly/bi-weekly poll consisting of player content suggestions for you to vote on their addition?


    Bi-weekly. One to poll ideas, leaves you some time to see what will pass and possibly brainstorm a concept for it. Another one where you submit your idea(s) for the content that passed.


    3. What kind of future content are you most interested in seeing added?


    These go hand in hand along with new items.

    Bug fixes / quality of life

    QoL are always welcome. Reminds me, I saw someone say they wished that Plank Make spell was automated along with jewelry enchanting and I can't say that I disagree. It's minimal, not very impactful but can make the game a lot more bearable for some while literally not changing it for others.


    4. How do you feel about donator rewards?

    No changes needed

    I do feel like the rewards are fine. I'm not against more/new rewards, but buffing them too much would either make the game too easy (in a way) or just make the game P2W. Some rewards are unchanged from Onyx to Zenyte, perhaps these do need a slight buff but other than that I don't see a need for buffs.

    NO buffs, but want new rewards


    5. Would you like to see all additional content (excluding bug fixes and integrity fixes) be REQUIRED to pass a poll before being put in-game?

    Yes, but require some other % to pass (explain what %)

    Depending on the content and number of votes I think 60% should be a minimum to pass and 70% a maximum. If it's 1 vote away from passing or even failing then the Devs should have their say on the subject and choose to still push an update through or refuse it (doubt we'd see that though...).


    6. What kind of skilling suggestions would you like to see?

    Skilling is fine where it is

    Skilling in general is fine for me. I obviously want to see Construction and Hunter could do with more things to do, but we'll get one and the other isn't necessary...


    7. What kind of PvM content would you like to see?

    Introduce new bosses/monsters

    This. It obviously takes time, but Zenyte is long due to see "new" bosses!

    Rework existing drop tables

    Errr... Don't lower the drop rates please. Removing useless drops (like flax drop from Zulrah) isn't necessary either imo, perhaps change flax into bowstrings? Adding some skilling supply drops for normals accounts could possibly be good, I can't really pronounce myself on that since I play Ironmen mainly. But I am 100% against making drops easier to get than the lowered rates we already have.


    8. What about Zenyte makes you choose us vs everyone else?

    The community

    1:1 content

    To a certain extent. The customs here aren't out of control, even the custom home doesn't feel bad. I hate servers where you have 50 shops all side-by-side crammed in a single building. Hell the NPCs MOVE here which almost feels unique...

    The general vibes

    Something else (explain what)

    The fluidity of the game, almost 0 lag at all times. In my personal experience the staff is also very easy to reach, specially since a few old members are long gone.


    9. Would you like to see more ironman-related content?

    Depends (go into detail please)

    Other than Group Ironman I don't quite know what we're really missing tbh... I'd like to see some tweaks though so Ironmen could also attend boss masses and possibly get some drops, perhaps make it a switch in the code for the masses only, like for PC points boost. Other than that, I don't exactly wish to see content that would exclude any player from it other than specific events.


    10. Is there any EXISTING content that you feel needs to be adjusted? This does not include general bug fixes

    No, everything seems fine at the moment

    I don't have any particular complains about the game as it is.


    Now for some things that I'd like to see, I play UIM so obviously my ideas are around this game mode more than others!


    The ability to make kits at the GE.

    Currently it says UIM can't use this feature to save inventory spaces, which is an OSRS feature. But we can note items on bank booths which isn't a feature, so why not the ability to pack our barrows sets and Halloween masks sets?


    The magic box at home.

    If we're able to make sets then this one is useless, but as it is I'd very much enjoy the ability to store D boots, infinity boots or their upgraded versions as well as barrows items. I can store rangers because these are from clues, but if I upgraded them into pegasians I'd lose another inventory space. Yes it's a restriction from my game mode, I deal with it, but this would be nice either way.


    Future feature.

    I have this one as a suggestion already on the forums. The ability to have the butler use noted logs from our inventory to run to the sawmill and return with unnoted planks. Perhaps add an extra cost for unnoting them.

    That's all that comes to mind for now.

    • Like 2

  3. 17 minutes ago, nytmare said:

    You aren't going to revive the playercount by adding slayer pets 

    Vote shop, Donator shop and BH shop rework also won't revive the player count yet it's things being suggested. The RSPS playerbase is scarce and jumps from server to server, we should focus on updates our current community wants rather than try to bring (back) players that would be here for one update then leave (again).

    As I said and was confirmed by Matt in his post, only Grant can code on big updates such as ToB which is really the only sort of update that can give the player count a noticeable boost, meanwhile smaller updates like Slayer pets can give us something to grind for if we have nothing to do. It's not what most people want, but it's easy to make and quick.

    • Like 1

  4. While I do agree that ToB and Construction are the two updates we've been waiting for, not everyone can code on these. Adding smaller simpler things like Slayer pets can be done with much less knowledge and still add things to grind for on the server.

    The last things being polled; I'm 50/50 on them, idc if we get them or if we don't. But again they mostly seem to be things that a beginner dev could do while Grant keeps focusing on ToB. Perhaps we just need a clarification on who works on what?

    I don't know what the coding capacities are from our current devs, but from my understanding Grant has experience, Death at least knows a few things, Matt learned here. Three different experience levels, not all of them could make ToB or a bug-less Construction.

    That being said, I am a bit disconnected from the suggestions going on but even without looking I do agree that adding community suggested updates would be better most of the time. I don't fully disagree with what you're saying, but it's not because minor updates are suggested/implemented that major ones aren't being worked on. Also holiday events are great wym!?

    • Zenyte 1
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  5. While I am fine with double drops, double rolls, and skilling tools automatically processing the resources, I feel that the upgrade token up to Barrows is OP. At least for Ironmen. I'd be fine for up to Dragon, perhaps making it so (ironmen) need to get the item once before they can upgrade to a certain Barrows item would be better as to not kill the grind.

    EDIT: I voted yes to the upgrade token and no to Ironmen being excluded from it, that is assuming the tokens are somewhat limited...

    • Like 1

  6. 23 minutes ago, Hexae said:


    I just received a notification about a possible ''gravedigging'' post. I just want to remind you the older the topic is, the better is to leave it alone. I understand that, now that construction is planned, that this suggestion is not in extenso settled as the forum rules says (#11). For this reason, I will not be issuing warning points, but be careful in the future!

    For more information:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Grave digging is not allowed and consists of reviving a previously resolved, settled, or "dead" thread after a prolonged period of time. Threads with an activity gap of a month or greater shall be considered "grave-digging”.



    Oh sorry Hexbae, I really just thought since it was now relevant it was better to just revive this one instead of copy-paste as a new thread!

    • Zenyte 1
    • Like 1

  7. 9 minutes ago, Justice said:

    As a player that does little to no part of this type of content, my opinion is really not that solid, but id say, keep it 1;1 , wiping the team should be a risk, this is end of the game content you either survive or die untill you learn how too survive ! 😮 (learning mode would be a cool concept) though i could support that. if it restricted you from purple loot.


    RS3 practice mode for bosses is nice because it's safe death, you use your own supply but get no drops. It may seem harsh said like that but if you just spend 10 kills worth of supply to learn how to not die to a boss then these supplies pay more than a HCIM account as whole. One of the few rare things that they did right in my opinion.

  8. 1 & 2; No, the wilderness is already empty but part of the danger right now is the trip to the locations. On the other hand having a teleport close the bosses would also make it even more difficult to kill them. I don't see it as an healthy option in both scenarios.

    7; It's difficult to get Pest Control going, I don't see Castle Wars actually being used. However I voted for it since from having watched videos I hated Tithe Farm (I don't play OSRS and this is the only RSPS I play, can't say I did it myself.)

    9; I assume that will be for normal accounts like the supply drops. I think that would be good seeing how there is not a lot of trading going on sadly.

  9. 9- I assume it's the storage? I'd like to see an option for normal barrows sets to be stored there. Individual pieces would be nice but even as sets it would be a major game changer for UIMs, probably a bit too OP judging by my own inventory... But it would be amazing, hell I'd pay to store and withdraw them everytime.

    11- I have no idea what the current boxes state is so I vote that they are fine, take my vote with a grain of salt, I didn't want to influence the results of people that have knowledge of the rewards they give.

  10. Been here since release, my staff rating (excellent) is about the recent staff members, I don't think experiences with people that are gone should reflect my current opinion.

    I voted other for the fifth question, I think that the content should be polled but staff has a say in what comes first.

  11. 1 hour ago, Gepan said:

    Hello Iron Arm.

    We do not currently have Construction, but I will keep this in mind when we start looking into it!


    - Gepan

    Yes I am aware Construction is not here yet, I just thought this would be great to have from the get-go, specially as a UIM hahaha!

  12. As a UIM I'd like it if butlers could take noted logs from our inventory to go turn them into planks at the sawmill, since we have no bank to store these. They should obviously be in inventory and not in the looting bag. I guess we could use the sell noted and buy unnoted trick in Rimmington, but that would still just be a nice QoL thing. I don't play OSRS so I have no idea if that's how it is, I just remember seeing videos of UIMs chopping Oak right outside of their house to train construction.

  13. 59 minutes ago, Hxrdcore said:

    I don’t mind the majority of this, they’re mostly good & positive changes.

    However, I’m against the addition of Dragon Pic-axes to the store - they’re basically the only item that make Wilderness bosses worthwhile.

    & I’m really against Ironman being able to buy them from the store, that would be very “un-Zenyte”. 

    I would also say that adding Mort Myre Fungi to the store is a step in the wrong direction too, that’s a relatively good money maker for new starters & adding it to the store could kill that method. Definitely against Ironmen being able to buy it from the store too. 

    The other proposed changes are great though. 

    This. However since the community is relatively small now it could be possible to manually check IM accounts and skillers could be allowed to purchase a D Pick. As a UIM myself I am against being able to purchase items, it completely devaluates the game mode.

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